Emerald Eye Of Ekron vs. Green Lantern Guy Gardner (239/365)
Emerald Eye of Ekron: Incredibly powerful cosmic artifact said to be a prototype for Green Lantern power rings, originally the actual right eye of an insane Green Lantern named Ekron, and in the 30th century a weapon wielded by the evil, trained killer Emerald Empress.
Green Lantern Guy Gardner: Cocky, arrogant, and sometimes reckless “backup” Green Lantern, member of the Justice League International, and wielder of a power ring, arguably the most powerful weapon in the universe limited only by the wearer’s imagination.
If they had to fight, who would win?
#239 in the Duel 365 series.
My wife made this Emerald Eye of Ekron, a painted wooden ball. Would you like to see more Cool Things My Wife Made?
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This photo was taken in my kitchen using some pretty simple Gear. You might be surprised to discover how low-tech my “photography studio” really is.
Flickr Facts
This photo was posted to Flickr on 27 August 2010. The last time I checked, it had 9,853 views on Flickr.
The media type of this image is “photo.” The original file type was “jpg.” The photo’s dimensions are 1024 x 681, giving it landscape orientation.
Unless otherwise noted, the image was created by me, JD Hancock.
Duel 365
Duel 365 was a year-long project I started in 2010. The goal was to post one photo each day depicting a duel, usually between two pop culture figures, and asking the question, “If they had to fight, who would win?” At the request of those who came to follow the project, I also provided text descriptions of each character. One of the rules was to avoid using the same figure in multiple photos. Another challenge was that I was not allowed to use Photoshop or other advanced photo editors to create the scenes; all editing was done either in-camera or with Apple’s iPhoto software. Over 700 figures were used for the project, which believe it or not represents only a small part of my toy collection.
Green Lantern
Green Lantern is the name given to numerous superheroes in comic books published by DC Comics. Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern, was created by Bill Finger and Martin Nodell and premiered in All-American Comics #16 in 1940. Each Green Lantern is armed with a power ring that projects solid-light constructs limited only by the wearer’s imagination and willpower. Except for Alan Scott, Green Lanterns are specially selected members of the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic police force. Notable Green Lanterns of Earth include Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Rayner. Throughout their history Green Lanterns have often been members of the various incarnations of the Justice Society and Justice League with fellow superheroes such as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and others. The Green Lanterns have appeared in numerous TV series, including Green Lantern: The Animated Series (2011), and the film Green Lantern (2011).
Emerald Eye Of Ekron vs. Green Lantern Guy Gardner (239/365) by JD Hancock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available.