Tin vs. Tin Man (227/365)
Tin: The shyest and most insecure of the Metal Men, a team of robotic superheroes, who is powered by one of Dr. Will Magnus’s "responsometers," a kind of technological heart.
Tin Man: The most tender of Dorothy Gale’s strange travelling companions who follows the yellow brick road to the Emerald City in search of the Wizard of Oz and, at last, a heart.
If they had to fight, who would win?
#227 in the Duel 365 series.
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Would you like to use this photo on your blog, news website, presentation, or other project? All of the photos here are licensed for free use under a Creative Commons attribution license as long as you credit me, JD Hancock. Really!
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This photo was taken in my kitchen using some pretty simple Gear. You might be surprised to discover how low-tech my "photography studio" really is.
Flickr Facts
This photo was posted to Flickr on 15 August 2010. The last time I checked, it had 25,824 views on Flickr.
The media type of this image is "photo." The original file type was "jpg." The photo's dimensions are 1024 x 681, giving it landscape orientation.
Unless otherwise noted, the image was created by me, JD Hancock.
Duel 365
Duel 365 was a year-long project I started in 2010. The goal was to post one photo each day depicting a duel, usually between two pop culture figures, and asking the question, "If they had to fight, who would win?" At the request of those who came to follow the project, I also provided text descriptions of each character. One of the rules was to avoid using the same figure in multiple photos. Another challenge was that I was not allowed to use Photoshop or other advanced photo editors to create the scenes; all editing was done either in-camera or with Apple’s iPhoto software. Over 700 figures were used for the project, which believe it or not represents only a small part of my toy collection.
Tin vs. Tin Man (227/365) by JD Hancock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available.

More Duel 365
Stormtrooper vs. Storm Shadow (1/365)
Kirk vs. Picard (2/365)
Sandman vs. Sandman (3/365)
Space Ghost vs. The Spectre (4/365)
Man-Bat vs. The Vulture (5/365)
Batman Beyond vs. Nightwing (6/365)
Han Solo vs. Indiana Jones (7/365)
Green Goblin vs. The Joker (8/365)
Spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Holographic Jor-El (9/365)
Lightning McQueen vs. Herbie (10/365)
Dr. Hank McCoy vs. Dr. Leonard McCoy (11/365)
Plastic Man vs. Edward Scissorhands (12/365)
Nurse Chapel vs. Lwaxana Troi (13/365)
The Leader vs. Sinestro (14/365)
Wildcat vs. Cheetah (15/365)
Swamp Thing vs. Animal Man (16/365)
Tweety vs. Hello Kitty (17/365)
Firestar vs. Iceman (18/365)
iPhone vs. Tricorder (19/365)
The Martian Manhunter vs. Marvin the Martian (20/365)
Marion Ravenwood vs. Princess Leia Organa (21/365)
She-Hulk vs. Supergirl (22/365)
Scarecrow vs. Clayface (23/365)
Aquaman vs. Namor the Sub-Mariner (24/365)
Connor Hawke vs. Arrowette (25/365)
Lex Luthor vs. Kingpin (26/365)
The Gorn vs. Killer Croc (27/365)
Fox Mulder vs. Wile E. Coyote (28/365)
Pops Racer vs. Montgomery Scott (29/365)
BT-16 B'omarr Monk vs. Mr. Freeze (30/365)
Lando Calrissian vs. Two-Face (31/365)
Batman vs. Darth Vader (32/365)
Racer X vs. Cyclops (33/365)
Xena vs. Elektra (34/365)
Venom vs. Bizarro (35/365)
Angel vs. Hawkman (36/365)
Hydro-Man vs. Bubbles (37/365)
Beast vs. Beast Boy (38/365)
Darkseid vs. Maestro (39/365)
Borg vs. Cyborg (40/365)
Professor X vs. Captain Picard (41/365)
Captain America vs. Captain Marvel (42/365)
Mr. Freeze vs. Mysterio (43/365)
Mugato vs. Rhino (44/365)
Dot vs. Harley Quinn (45/365)
Mr. Fantastic vs. Mr. Spock (46/365)
Bucky vs. Robin (47/365)
Road Runner vs. The Flash (48/365)
Thor vs. Superman (49/365)
Live Wire vs. Black Lightning (50/365)
Odo vs. Chameleon (51/365)
Handy Manny vs. Bob the Builder (52/365)
Catwoman vs. Black Cat (53/365)
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Peter Venkman vs. The Atom (55/365)
Lois Lane vs. Velma Dinkley (56/365)
Rebel Soldier vs. Security Officer (57/365)
Admiral Ackbar vs. Admiral Kirk (58/365)
Green Lantern vs. Silver Surfer (59/365)
Scarlet Spider vs. Superboy (60/365)
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Felix the Cat vs. Snoopy (62/365)
The Doctor vs. The Doctor (63/365)
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Grey Hulk vs. Soloman Grundy (65/365)
Riddler vs. Two-Face (66/365)
Hawkgirl vs. Raven (67/365)
Loki vs. Joker (68/365)
Snake Eyes vs. Luke Skywalker (69/365)
Data vs. Spock (70/365)
Galactus vs. Superman (71/365)
Max Mercury vs. Quicksilver (72/365)
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Carnage vs. Professor Zoom (83/365)
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Question vs. Riddler (95/365)
Silver Surfer vs. Captain Atom (96/365)
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Sulley vs. Chewie (98/365)
Cosmic Boy vs. Astro Boy (99/365)
Stormtrooper vs. Storm (100/365)
Yoda vs. Green Lantern (101/365)
Destro vs. Doctor Doom (102/365)
S.W.A.T. Team Member vs. Bespin Wing Guard (103/365)
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Hulk vs. Flash (107/365)
Princess Leia vs. Baroness (108/365)
Kenny vs. Mr. Bill (109/365)
Iron Man vs. WALL-E (110/365)
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Ben Tennyson vs. Billy Batson (114/365)
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California Raisin vs. The Doctor (118/365)
Rogue vs. Professor Data (119/365)
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Invisible Woman vs. Invisible Kid (122/365)
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Han Solo vs. Han Solo Special Edition (124/365)
Facehugger vs. Starro (125/365)
Snow White vs. Snowtrooper (126/365)
Greedo vs. Cairo Swordsman (127/365)
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Wonder Woman vs. Wonder Woman (129/365)
Emperor's Royal Guard vs. MCP Guard (130/365)
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Boba Fett vs. Iron Man (133/365)
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Spider-Man vs. Batman (136/365)
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Clark Kent vs. Bruce Wayne (142/365)
Pocahontas vs. Leia Organa (143/365)
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Wisteria vs. Pokey (170/365)
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Lieutenant Reginald Barclay vs. Captain H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock (177/365)
R5-D4 vs. Probe Droid (178/365)
Mr. Fantastic vs. Elastigirl (179/365)
Iron Man vs. Spider-Man (180/365)
Bane vs. Juggernaut (181/365)
Worf vs. Chewbacca (182/365)
"Number One" vs. Two-Face (183/365)
Hiro Nakamura vs. Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu (184/365)
Captain America vs. Wonder Woman (185/365)
Dorothy Gale vs. Cinderella (186/365)
Beetle vs. Swarm (187/365)
Owl vs. Doctor Mid-Nite (188/365)
Lieutenant Starbuck vs. Templeton "Faceman" Peck (189/365)
Superman vs. Lightning Lad (190/365)
Ferb Fletcher vs. Albert Einstein (191/365)
Spider-Man vs. Luke Skywalker (192/365)
Shrek vs. Abomination (193/365)
Metallo vs. Dr. Tolian Soran (194/365)
Zabu vs. Tigger (195/365)
Marvin the Martian vs. Ares (196/365)
Robin vs. Arthur (197/365)
Wesley Crusher vs. Aqualad (198/365)
Max Mercury vs. Dash (199/365)
Han Solo vs. Luke Skywalker (200/365)
Zefram Cochrane vs. Starman (201/365)
Lieutenant Jean-Luc Picard vs. Lieutenant Thomas Riker (202/365)
Batman vs. Superman (203/365)
Dora Marquez vs. Wendy Darling (204/365)
Vincent van Gogh vs. V.I.N.CENT (205/365)
Darth Maul vs. Sinestro (206/365)
EVE vs. R2-D2 (207/365)
Mr. Freeze vs. Wampa (208/365)
Mandarin vs. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner (209/365)
Bigfoot vs. Maskatron (210/365)
Bambi vs. Godzilla (211/365)
Rogue vs. Parasite (212/365)
Fa Mulan vs. Lieutenant Commander Hikaru Sulu (213/365)
Joker vs. Doc Samson (214/365)
Doppelganger vs. Hulk 2099 (215/365)
Green Arrow vs. Arsenal (216/365)
Jeero vs. Danbo (217/365)
Samaritan vs. Martian Manhunter (218/365)
Captain Marvel vs. Captain Marvel (219/365)
Iron Man vs. Iron (220/365)
Cheetah vs. Catwoman (221/365)
Turanga Leela vs. Michael "Mike" Wazowski (222/365)
Aladdin vs. Green Lantern John Stewart (223/365)
Wendigo vs. Ice (224/365)
Parallax vs. Q (225/365)
Sherri vs. Terri (226/365)
Tin vs. Tin Man (227/365)
Supergirl vs. Robin (228/365)
Warlock vs. Adam Warlock (229/365)
Captain Jack Sparrow vs. Dread Pirate Roberts (230/365)
Superman vs. Doctor Manhattan (231/365)
Bruce Wayne vs. Indiana Jones (232/365)
Leia Organa vs. Padmé Amidala (233/365)
Green Goblin vs. Hobgoblin (234/365)
Qui-Gon Jinn vs. John "Hannibal" Smith (235/365)
RoboCop vs. Cyborg (236/365)
EV-9D9 vs. 2-1B (237/365)
Iron Man vs. War Machine (238/365)
Emerald Eye Of Ekron vs. Green Lantern Guy Gardner (239/365)
Princess Aurora vs. Freddy Krueger (240/365)
Sandman vs. M-O (241/365)
Thunder vs. Lightning (242/365)
Cloak vs. Shade (243/365)
Speedy vs. Kid Flash (244/365)
Emperor Palpatine vs. Captain Marvel (245/365)
Patrick Star vs. Pinky (246/365)
Angel vs. Etrigan The Demon (247/365)
Dr. Julian Bashir vs. Doc (248/365)
Flash Gordon vs. Commissioner James Gordon (249/365)
Green Lantern Kilowog vs. Imperious Leader (250/365)
Crime Syndicate Superwoman vs. Justice Lords Wonder Woman (251/365)
Sallah Mohammed Faisel el-Kahir vs. Lando Calrissian (252/365)
Doomsday vs. Apocalypse (253/365)
Alice vs. Mirror Master (254/365)
Prince Naveen vs. Toad (255/365)
White Rabbit vs. Rabbit (256/365)
4-LOM vs. Zuckuss (257/365)
Batgirl vs. Robin (258/365)
Rocky vs. Apollo (259/365)
Tick-Tock vs. Louis (260/365)
Grumpy Bear vs. Grumpy (261/365)
Captain Jack Sparrow vs. Captain Han Solo (262/365)
Starfire vs. Firestar (263/365)
Riddler vs. Edward (264/365)
Sleepy vs. Bedtime Bear (265/365)
Professor John Frink, Jr. vs. Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth (266/365)
Pikachu vs. Superman (267/365)
Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye (268/365)
Hercules vs. Zeus (269/365)
Mister Majestic vs. Apollo (270/365)
Donkey Kong vs. King Homer (271/365)
Dr. Grace Augustine vs. Lieutenant Ellen Ripley (272/365)
Peter Pan vs. Peter Parker (273/365)
Phantom Stranger vs. Spirit (274/365)
Doctor Doom vs. Darth Vader (275/365)
Sheldon J. Plankton vs. Doctor Octopus (276/365)
Thor vs. Captain Marvel (277/365)
Iceman vs. Chewbacca (278/365)
Starman vs. Patrick Star (279/365)
Princess Peach vs. Princess Leia Organa (280/365)
Scratchy vs. Itchy (281/365)
Tiana vs. Toad (282/365)
Captain Han Solo vs. Captain America (283/365)
Thing vs. Swamp Thing (284/365)
Gobber vs. Captain Hook (285/365)
"The Bat-Man" vs. Padawan Anakin Skywalker (286/365)
Belle vs. Beast (287/365)
Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge vs. Cyclops (288/365)
Plastic Man vs. Mister Fantastic (289/365)
Dial Tone vs. Lieutenant Nyota Uhura (290/365)
Beauregard "Bo" Duke vs. Jonathan "Pa" Kent (291/365)
Justice Lords Superman vs. Bizarro (292/365)
Spike Spiegel vs. Spike (293/365)
Bib Fortuna vs. Smee (294/365)
Figment vs. Hiccup (295/365)
Lizard vs. Bossk (296/365)
Princess Diana vs. Princess Leia (297/365)
Michelangelo vs. Daredevil (298/365)
Dino vs. Gary (299/365)
Sandtrooper vs. Sandy Cheeks (300/365)
Deadpool vs. Wolverine (301/365)
Daisy Duck vs. Daisy Duke (302/365)
Scooby-Doo vs. Zero (303/365)
The Great Pumpkin vs. The Pumpkin King (304/365)
Android vs. Alien (305/365)
Nibbler vs. Krypto (306/365)
IG-88 vs. Slim (307/365)
Mary Poppins vs. Penguin (308/365)
Joker vs. Riddler (309/365)
Queen of Hearts vs. Alien Queen (310/365)
Lightning McQueen vs. Thomas the Tank Engine (311/365)
Jawa vs. WALL-E (312/365)
Colossal Boy vs. Colossus (313/365)
Lara Croft vs. Tom Strong (314/365)
Captain Atom vs. Captain America (315/365)
Mario vs. Super Luigi (316/365)
Brainy vs. Brain (317/365)
Robot Chicken vs. Locutus (318/365)
Storm vs. Red Tornado (319/365)
Flash vs. Human Torch (320/365)
Earthworm Jim vs. Commander Pavel Chekov (321/365)
Piglet vs. Gamorrean Guard (322/365)
Cat in the Hat vs. Cheshire Cat (323/365)
E.T., the Extra-Terrestrial vs. Alien (324/365)
Spider-Man vs. Tick (325/365)
Static Shock vs. Lightning Lad (326/365)
Doctor Strange vs. Doctor Fate (327/365)
Dark Phoenix vs. "General" Trelane (328/365)
Sandy Cheeks vs. Sandman (329/365)
Dr. Raymond Stantz vs. Ghost Rider (330/365)
Booster Gold vs. Gold (331/365)
Starfire vs. Starman (332/365)
Alien vs. Alien (333/365)
Atom vs. Ant-Man (334/365)
Ivan Vanko vs. Indiana Jones (335/365)
Yoda vs. Mr. Spock (336/365)
Supergirl vs. Spider-Woman (337/365)
Steve Austin vs. Inspector Gadget (338/365)
Dr. Peter Venkman vs. Garfield (339/365)
Anakin Skywalker vs. Clark Kent (340/365)
R2-D2 vs. RoboCop (341/365)
Iron Man vs. Destro (342/365)
Mini-Me vs. Minnie Mouse (343/365)
Dr. Egon Spengler vs. Twinkie the Kid (344/365)
Emperor Palpatine vs. Justice Lords Batman (345/365)
Hawkman vs. Wasp (346/365)
Austin Powers vs. Agent P (347/365)
John Constantine vs. Neo (348/365)
Dopey vs. Silent Bob (349/365)
Obadiah Stane vs. Kevin Flynn (350/365)
Archangel vs. Spawn (351/365)
Barbara Gordon vs. Sam Flynn (352/365)
Frodo Baggins vs. Harry Potter (353/365)
Malebolgia vs. Winston Zeddemore (354/365)
Wakko Warner vs. Mickey Mouse (355/365)
Nightcrawler vs. Andorian (356/365)
Tron vs. Chewbacca (357/365)
Lex Luthor vs. Cobra Commander (358/365)
Santa Grinch vs. Santa Jack Skellington (359/365)
SpongeBob SquarePants vs. Nemo (360/365)
Ursa vs. Power Girl (361/365)
Spawn vs. Ash Williams (362/365)
Thomas the Tank Engine vs. Jay Jay the Jet Plane (363/365)
Chuck Norris vs. The Monolith (364/365)
Shadow Stormtrooper vs. Storm Shadow (365/365)