JD Hancock Photos

Incredible Future Setup: Composition

Incredible Future Setup: Composition

Posted to Flickr on 07 November 2009. Part of the Setup series.

The camera records a shot for my Incredible Future photo.

Setup Details

An orange poster board is clipped to a foam board, resting atop a cereal box, and leaning against another box.

The figure is standing on raisin boxes stacked on an upside-down bowl. I love it that very often “raisin” boxes are “raising” up my figures.

A florescent desk light wrapped in an old t-shirt provides general lighting. Two small flashlights are aimed at the figure’s face for emphasis, one propped up on a rolled up towel and other wrapped in a paper towel and mounted on another cereal box (not in view).

My camera is mounted on a Gorillapod tripod, a relatively recent gift from my wife.

It’s Yours For Free

Would you like to use this photo on your blog, news website, presentation, or other project? All of the photos here are licensed for free use under a Creative Commons attribution license as long as you credit me, JD Hancock. Really!

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This photo was taken in my kitchen using some pretty simple Gear. You might be surprised to discover how low-tech my “photography studio” really is.

Flickr Facts

This photo was posted to Flickr on . The last time I checked, it had 8,607 views on Flickr.

The media type of this image is “photo.” The original file type was “jpg.” The photo’s dimensions are 768 x 1024, giving it portrait orientation.

Unless otherwise noted, the image was created by me, .


Incredible Future Setup: Composition by JD Hancock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available.

Creative Commons License

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