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For real!
Organized newest to oldest.
Infinite Green Lantern Hal Jordan
Infinite Flash
Infinite Hawkman
Happy April Fools Day!
Ternary Allies
Edge Of Space
"As you wish."
Metal Men: Lead (7/7)
Metal Men: Platinum (6/7)
Metal Men: Iron (5/7)
Metal Men: Dr. Will Magnus (4/7)
Metal Men: Gold (3/7)
Metal Men: Tin (2/7)
Metal Men: Mercury (1/7)
"One of these Things is not like the others."
Revenge Of Return Of The Jedi
Fowl Storm
"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me."
"Where's my coffee?"
Stormy Romance
"A good friend will always stab you in the front."
"The door's locked. Move on to the next one."
Captain America: Shield Agent
Gifted Hero
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer."
"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell."
"The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible."
Head(less) Hunter
"Wherever there is a man who exercises authority, there is a man who resists authority."
Han Solo's Big Adventure
"The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible."
"All women become like their mothers."
Darth Easter
Dancing With The Storms
Laughing Up A Storm
No Justice For Toons
Code Name: Cobra Commander
Bald Is Beautiful!
"If you believe in fairies ..."
"One to beam up."
"Fear is the path to the dark side."
Incredible Transformation
Signs Of The Storm
"It's a Mac ... ro!"
A Pirate's Life
The Wry Song Of The Moon
Scooby-Doo vs. Zero (303/365)
Sleight Of Hand
Captain Han Solo vs. Captain America (283/365)
Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye (268/365)
Death Star Metal
Bruce Wayne vs. Indiana Jones (232/365)
Tin vs. Tin Man (227/365)
Calming The Storm
S Is For Silver Surfer
Han Solo vs. Luke Skywalker (200/365)
(Girl) Scout Troopers
Sand Storm
Captain America vs. Wonder Woman (185/365)
T Is For Terra
Flash Back
Emperor Palpatine vs. Apocalypse (153/365)
The Five Stages Of Stormtrooper Grief
Bender vs. Robby the Robot (121/365)
Beetlejuice vs. Batman (111/365)
Yoda vs. Green Lantern (101/365)
Prototype T-800 Terminator vs. Deathstroke the Terminator (97/365)
G Is For Green Lantern Tomar Re
G is for Green Lantern Hal Jordan
A Is For Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
A Is For Atom
Hawkgirl vs. Raven (67/365)
Riddler vs. Two-Face (66/365)
Storm Loss
The Fortress Of Solitude
Calm Before The Storm
Storm Chasing
Odo vs. Chameleon (51/365)
Thor vs. Superman (49/365)
"Be Mine"
Heart Of The Storm
Mr. Freeze vs. Mysterio (43/365)
Captain America vs. Captain Marvel (42/365)
Professor X vs. Captain Picard (41/365)
Borg vs. Cyborg (40/365)
Darkseid vs. Maestro (39/365)
Like A Streak Of Light
Incredibly Tall
The Man Of Yesterday
Trash Talk
Hydro-Man vs. Bubbles (37/365)
Set For The Jet
Angel vs. Hawkman (36/365)
Batman vs. Darth Vader (32/365)
Packing Up For A Little Adventure
Darth Jawa
BT-16 B'omarr Monk vs. Mr. Freeze (30/365)
Pops Racer vs. Montgomery Scott (29/365)
Flash Before Your Eyes
Lex Luthor vs. Kingpin (26/365)
Connor Hawke vs. Arrowette (25/365)
Compact Flash
Strong Revolutionary Lift
Swamp Thing vs. Animal Man (16/365)
Dr. Hank McCoy vs. Dr. Leonard McCoy (11/365)
Lightning McQueen vs. Herbie (10/365)
Two x Two Faces
Superman Blue: Electric Boogaloo
Classic Caped Crusader
Sandman vs. Sandman (3/365)
Stormtrooper vs. Storm Shadow (1/365)
Silver Reflections
Back In Time
Ray Of Hope
Helping Hand In A Stark World
Modern Steed
Menace From The Land Before Color
Incredible Future
Green Ire
"Come quietly ..."
Big Fit
Golf "Lessen"
Strange Magicks
Shoot Any Thing Saturday
Straight Out Of The Camera Thor's Day
Black Flash
Bigfoot / Hairy Man
Short Run
The Dark Storm
Salvaging Jawas
Windy Go!
Office of Scientific Intelligence
Come Into My Parlor
O Is For Oracle
Raiders Of The Death Star
Under The Gun
Ack! Thpppt!!!
Bigfoot Sighting
Probing Questions
Infiltration: Jawa In Disguise
Four Storms And A Twister
A Little Rancor
Weekend Warriors
In A Jam
Mirror, Mirror
Sweeping Off Your Feet
Unwise Crack
Fire Storm
Looking Over The Files
See No Vader, Hear No Vader, Speak No Vader
Ice Storm
Military Maneuvers
Career-Limiting Move
Not Too Bright
"Stupid garbage compactor ..."
Swimming In The iPool
Playing REAL Miniature Golf
Watching Star Trek