Swimming In The iPool
Documenting the little dudes who live in my home.
Photo seen in Flickr Explore.
More iPhone photos like this can be found tagged as iPhoneland.
The idea for this photo came to me as I was looking forward to summer and swim time in my parent’s pool. I wondered how the Little Dudes might spend their summer.
The grass in this photo is a green towel given to me by my father. The phone is my first iPhone, the original model released in 2007. The water image on the iPhone is a closeup of another photo I took of my parent’s swimming pool. The diving board is a stick of Trident chewing gum. The people are a set of HO scale train figures.
One of the things I did not take into account when setting up this photo was that it would be necessary to match the angle of the original water photo shown on the phone. This wasn’t particularly a problem, but I was struck at how odd the water looked if I photographed it at a different angle. Were I ever to reshoot this photo, I would take many photos of the water at many angles to give myself options.
I generally don’t use Photoshop in my photography, but this photo is an exception. I used Photoshop to try to create a tilt-shift effect by blurring the top and bottom of the photo.
The iPool photo is one of my most popular. It has been used in numerous places, including:
- Actionpaper
- Biz Tech Rave
- Brad’s Deals
- BuzzFeed
- BuzzFeed
- Consumerist
- Consumerist
- Consumerist
- Enterprise Instant Messaging
- Enterprise Nation
- evently
- Femour
- FizX Entertainment
- Flickr Blog
- Fractus Learning
- GigaOm
- GigaOm
- Gizmodo
- helpfulwebhosting
- Joshua Wilner
- Let3
- Little Pickle Press
- Mashable
- PetaPixel
- phones review
- Photography Blogger
- Rue89
- Scripted Genius
- Tami Clayton
- TechCrunch
- TechCrunch
- TetherTalk
- Thought Catalog
- VentureBeat
- VentureVillage
- Wired
- Wired
- Worldcrunch
Have you seen this photo somewhere else? Or are you using it yourself? I would love to hear from you! It's always fun to learn where my photos turn up.
Flickr Facts
This photo was posted to Flickr on 07 April 2009. It was one of 500 images featured on Flickr Explore for that day. The last time I checked, it had 61,199 views on Flickr.
The media type of this image is "photo." The original file type was "jpg." The photo's dimensions are 1024 x 768, giving it landscape orientation.
Unless otherwise noted, the image was created by me, JD Hancock.
Swimming In The iPool by JD Hancock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available.

More Little Dudes
Watching Star Trek
Mining For Information
Laying On My "S"
Playing REAL Miniature Golf
Milking It
Swimming In The iPool
Working For The Man
Considering The Tax Shelter
Walking The Razor's Edge
Shrinking Violet
Stopping On A Dime
The Anxious Type
My Brush With Greatness
Combing The Couch For Treasure
Through The Brush
Looking Over The Files
Rock 'n' Robin
More Than They Can Chew
Pigging Out
Sweeping Off Your Feet
In A Jam
Little Goody Two-Shoes
The Footwear Inspector Waits For The Other Shoe
Large Order Of Toast
Bean Dune Okay?
Pad Of Paper
Rockin' Out
Feel The Frame Friday
Golf "Lessen"
Snow Parking Any Time
Journey Into Skull Cave
Graduation: Clean Slate
Pick What You Like
Cracking The Packing
Packing Up For A Little Adventure
Lonely Traveler
Loaded And Locked
Handling Travel Stress
Routine Candle Inspection
Heart's Desire
Banana Extract
Vacationing On A Dime
Tea Is For Tasting
Leaving A Tip
Did You Throw A Little New Year's Party?
Stuck At Home
Water Tower Park
Big Smile!
Pretty Penny
Berry Hard Work
My Brush With Death
Between The Raindrops
Sitting Ringside
Mega Golf