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For real!
Organized newest to oldest.
Here's The Thing ... amagoop
There's No Place Like The Death Star
Drama! Action! Romance!
"This is our most desperate hour."
Big Data
"We're doomed!"
Universal H.E.R.B.I.E.
Robby the Robot: Into The Unknown!
Robby the Robot
Reign Of The Android
Ternary Allies
Metal Men: Lead (7/7)
Metal Men: Platinum (6/7)
Metal Men: Iron (5/7)
Metal Men: Gold (3/7)
Metal Men: Tin (2/7)
Metal Men: Mercury (1/7)
Powered By Android
"The Death Star plans are not in the main computer."
"The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible."
R2-D2 vs. RoboCop (341/365)
Booster Gold vs. Gold (331/365)
Robot Chicken vs. Locutus (318/365)
Jawa vs. WALL-E (312/365)
Android vs. Alien (305/365)
Sandman vs. M-O (241/365)
EV-9D9 vs. 2-1B (237/365)
Tin vs. Tin Man (227/365)
Iron Man vs. Iron (220/365)
Bigfoot vs. Maskatron (210/365)
EVE vs. R2-D2 (207/365)
Vincent van Gogh vs. V.I.N.CENT (205/365)
Gold vs. Silver Sable (157/365)
Pluto vs. Mercury (156/365)
Blue EVE
C-3PO vs. Data (137/365)
Bender vs. Robby the Robot (121/365)
Rogue vs. Professor Data (119/365)
Iron Man vs. WALL-E (110/365)
Sentinel vs. Jawa (88/365)
C-3PO vs. Eeyore (80/365)
Data vs. Spock (70/365)
Mister Peabody vs. Hourman (61/365)
Menace From The Land Before Color
Geordi And Data
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