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For real!
Organized newest to oldest.
Little League Bat ... Man
Toying With The Men
Batman Extreme
Thanks Yahoo!
Jokers Wild!
Cutting-Edge Tech
Infinite Batman (Black And White)
Ha Ha Haaaa! April Fools!
Christmas League Of America
2002 The Bat-Computer
Justice Tree of America
Emperor Palpatine vs. Justice Lords Batman (345/365)
"The Bat-Man" vs. Padawan Anakin Skywalker (286/365)
Bruce Wayne vs. Indiana Jones (232/365)
Batman vs. Superman (203/365)
Clark Kent vs. Bruce Wayne (142/365)
Spider-Man vs. Batman (136/365)
Spider-Man 2099 vs. Batman Beyond (113/365)
Beetlejuice vs. Batman Setup
Beetlejuice vs. Batman (111/365)
Two-Dimensional Characters
Roof Fight
Batman vs. Darth Vader (32/365)
Playing The Hero
Batman Beyond vs. Nightwing (6/365)
Classic Caped Crusader
1995 Batmobile Ornament
Modern Steed
The Dark Storm
Cleaning Up Crime ... And Their Laundry
Justice Legg of America