Mixed Bags
Oops! It looks like Clara and Indy had a baggage mix-up at the airport.
Close-up of two 3 3/4 inch figures: Clara Oswald from the TV series Doctor Who and Indiana Jones from the film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
Photo submitted to the Flickr group Macro Mondays for the "Bag" theme.
This photo was inspired by the “Bag” theme of the Flickr group Macro Mondays. It was the first photo in which I used a 3 3/4 inch Doctor Who figure.
The setup for this photo was relatively simple.
The backdrop is a 12x12 inch sheet of black glitter paper designed for scrapbooking. I shined one cheap flashlight with a green filter on the bag Clara is holding and another cheap flashlight with no filter on the bag that Indy is holding. Because Indy’s hat tends to create a shadow on his face, I also added a push light pointed at Indy.
As is nearly always the case, a large circular diffuser (not shown in the setup photo) is positioned above the whole scene, diffusing the ambient light of the room.
Initially I thought I would try to take this photo without any bokeh effect in the background, but the lure of the bokeh was too great, and I added it in.
Clara Oswald and Indiana Jones have also been seen together here:
Have you seen this photo somewhere else? Or are you using it yourself? I would love to hear from you! It's always fun to learn where my photos turn up.
Flickr Facts
This photo was posted to Flickr on 15 July 2013. The last time I checked, it had 33,436 views on Flickr.
The media type of this image is "photo." The original file type was "jpg." The photo's dimensions are 1024 x 681, giving it landscape orientation.
Unless otherwise noted, the image was created by me, JD Hancock.
Mixed Bags by JD Hancock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available.

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