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For real!
Organized newest to oldest.
Doc To The Doctor
Not Sea-ing Eye to Eye
Hancock to Enterprise, one to beam up!
Everybody Wants To Be A Star
I Want To Believe ... In Fairies
One of my favorites: a poster based on George McFly's novel from Back to the Future, created by Austin artist Jacob Borshard.
Walking back to the car on a lonely street.
Waiting to be amazed.
"Who wants to play video games?"
Return to the Land of Gatti.
Bokeh To The Future
"The door's locked. Move on to the next one."
"The first duty in life is to be as artificial as possible."
"From birth of stars to final doom ...."
"One to beam up."
"Fear is the path to the dark side."
stairs to elevator ->
Targeting Starbucks To A "T"
Why I Decided To Become A Cyborg
Waving To The Dome
A Foot Closer To Peace
A Tribute To Milton
Welcome To Pflugerville
"It's Fun To Stay At The ..."