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For real!
Organized newest to oldest.
Carry a Laser Down the Road That I Must Travel
I Zod
I Love Autumn
"I believe I am feeling ... anxiety. It is an intriguing sensation."
I Want To Believe ... In Fairies
Hear this now: I will always come for you.
I do like Macs, but THIS is my favorite Snow Leopard.
I know you are, but what am I?
Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler ....
The Doctor. I hear he's coming back soon!
"Moose Television." Oh, the things I find as I wander through my house ....
As a kid, I played a lot of basketball.
The last meal of our vacation. I hope it's good!
I went local!
It's our first time at this location, but I frequented another Casa Olé in my high school days.
I Love @DakotaSmith
i I i
I Spied A Spider
Why I Decided To Become A Cyborg
I, Gregory!
I <3 Candy Canes
"I Love Classic 23rd Century Design"
2000 I Believe In Bat-Mite Pin
I Fought The Lawn ... And The Lawn Won
"I Hate Easter On The Death Star."
Revealing how I made my current avatar.