Collecting all of the publicly-available photos taken by me, JD Hancock.
Who is JD Hancock?
I am a family-friendly cyborg living in the future in Austin, Texas. I like taking photos of plastic people for fun. You can read more about me on my main website at jdhancock.com.

Can I use your photos?
The short answer is "yes," as long as you give me credit as the photographer.
You might enjoy the long version of the answer. I explain about what Creative Commons is, what attribution means, and how to spell my name. It's good reading.
How did you make this site?
I built this photo site with many different tools and technologies, standing on the shoulders of giants, including:
- MongoDB — Thank you Andrew Friedrich for making it look easy.
- ekko — Thank you Adam Mathes for creating it and Dakota Smith for adding to it.
- Python
- Jekyll — Thank you Steve Hernandez for showing it to me.
- Ruby
- Sublime Text
- SASS — Thank you Alex Jones for pointing me toward it.
- Fontastic — Thank you Steve Hernandez again!
- JavaScript — Thank you Fred Lane for answering all those questions.
- jQuery — Thank you David Hayes for raving about it to me.
- CodeKit — Thank you Devin Price for recommending it.
- Trello — Thank you Leslie Hancock for giving me a way to do what I do, as always.
Previous versions of the site relied on these:
- Bootstrap — Thank you Jason Griffin for encouraging me to look at it.
- Fontello — Thank you Chelsea Hostetter for sharing it with me.
- Do
Can I contact you?
Absolutely. I would love hearing from you! Think about who your favorite rabbit is, and then check out my contact form.